Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Some Familar Faces

i LOVE this family and have missed them so much. We met the Swintons in England when Brady and Stan were working on their MBAs at Oxford. They are living in Australia now and we were so happy to get to see them today.

Mary (she is one day younger then Millie), Olivia (6), Millie

Eisha, Brady, Stan

They also have a little boy named Thomas, but I didn't get any pictures :(
*Thanks for visiting Guys; I know you had A LOT of people to see!


Danalisa said...

YEAH!! Wish we were there too!

Eisha said...

It was a great visit! the pictures turned out better than planned concidering what had just happened! :0

lindsay Roscoe said...

Hooray for friends! Millie looks so tall in those pictures.