Sunday 20 November 2011

Clinic November 2011

We had a visitor with us today at clinic, Aunt Kim! I asked Millie who she wanted to invite this time and she was certain she wanted her Aunt Kimmi to come with her. Amelia started a new round of Maintenance so she had her usually Vincristine, but she also had a Lumbar Puncture where they inject a chemo called Methotrexate into her spinal fluid. She did very well and thankfully it went pretty fast for a chemo appointment. I think we were out of there within four hours. She also started a new round of steroids, YUCK!

Clinic Stats:

ANC: 300
Millie's ANC is under her target range so
she has temporarily been taken off all oral chemo until her blood counts come back up.
Height: 112 cm
Weight: 20 kg

And for her hair...
* A lot has been going on with Miss Millie but I wasn't up for a long post, so I decided to just blog clinic for now. I will post again later this week about being inpatient and what's going on with her blood counts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful girl!!! - Miss Patti