Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Small Amelia Update

Amelia has been doing wonderfully! Really! She is singing, dancing, making up her own language, running around the house, playing dress up, PLAYING, she's actually playing. She is hilarious. I forgot how funny she is. She loves to laugh and loves to make other people laugh even more. I didn't realize how much she has changed until she came back. It's been amazing and although she NEVER stops talking, I am gobbling up every second. Mill started a new round of chemo yesterday and I know it's only a matter of time before my goof ball is gone again.

I have been strong this last month, but today I have teared up randomly multiple times. I know it's because I will loss her again. This next stage of chemo is 2 months. We will go into clinic every 10 days if her blood counts are high enough to handle the next dose. If she's strong enough Amelia will get both Vincristine (she got this in her Induction Phase) and Methotrexate. Millie did get some jaw pain and lose almost all her hair with the Vincristine, but other than that she handled it very well. With the Methotrexate she will most likely get mouth sores the last couple weeks. We are praying she will make it through without any sores.

We also got some other bad news, well we should have known already but somewhere along the way we got confused. After this 57 days, she moves on to her final phase before 2 year Maintenance. We have been told to prepare ourselves that this will be way harder on Amelia then Induction. The only thing I could look forward to is that it would only be a month. NOPE it too is 57 days. Sad. All the drugs are more intense and I believe she will be on a full dose of steroids again. They hit her hard to make sure and kill everything off.
Here goes nothing.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


As To Why I Love Brady.......

  1. We have had the LONGEST day ever and even though it's Valentines day Brady sat on the other side of the couch and said, " I'm sitting over here because I love you and I know you need the space". He loves me. I DID need my space.
  2. I LOVE clean sheets! I'd change them every day if it didn't mean more laundry. The days I do wash them I usually wait till it's around midnight before I realize they're still in the dryer and even though it drives him crazy, he puts them on for me. That's love.
  3. At night when we watch our favorite shows he laughs so hard the bed shakes. He makes me giggle.
  4. He is the best dad in the history of dads. Really.
  5. He Sooooo Good Lookin!
  6. He always empties the dishwasher for me. I HATE to do it!
  7. He sings "Ice Ice Baby" to Austin and makes him dance. It makes Austin belly laugh.
  8. Since Millie was diagnosed with cancer things have been stressful to say the least, when Brady does get home from work he lets me leave if I need the break. Millie said to him the other day, "Mom sure likes to get out of the house doesn't she".
  9. He makes me laugh daily.
  10. Best of all HE LOVES ME.
I love you Brady.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

i HEART brighton

Brady's parents have a rockin' cabin up at Brighton Ski Resort. We had an awesome time with our little family and Cousin Sherry of course!

Sherry, Austin (all bundled up for the ride), Brady

Millie's angel

It was so nice to get out of this house!


simply beautiful.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Nap Time

Millie fell asleep on her way home from dance today. I am sitting here by her and when she woke up just now she said, "Ahhhh, that was just what I needed".

She makes me laugh.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Welcome Back

We are seeing more and more of this little girl lately.