Friday, 13 March 2009

Reading Time

I walked in on this site the other day...

I love that she was even showing her barbies the pictures.

So Cute!

After she finished her story she lined all of them up and insisted that I take their picture.
I love my little bug.


Missy said...

That is an adorable picture! She is such a classic little girl.

Phoebe said...

Sooo happy to see your blogging again. That is really cute.

Ashlie said...

I love it. Pyper does this too, minus the showing of pictures of the book. I love it. It is so adorable! She is such a sweetie with all those little barbies. What a little cutie!!

Jodi said...

Oh my, this is TOO cute!

lindsay Roscoe said...

LOL!! She is so funny and always the thoughtful think about showing her barbies the pictures!

Danalisa said...

I LOVE this blog! So cute!! What a sweetheart she is. I still recall her playing "imagination games" with her princess figures in Oxford. =)

The Yarn Queen said...

I love her sitting in the stroller and telling the stories. Darling.

The Yarn Queen said...

I love her sitting in the stroller and telling the stories. Darling.

Jesse C said...

The dolls on the wall is my favorite.