Streamers, Cake, Balloons, Presents, Family, and HAIR...
We had an awesome night last night during our HAIR CUTTING PARTY! Millie's cousins Cyndell and Lilly donated their beautiful hair to Locks Of Love and got these DARLING hair cuts. Millie wasn't ready to cut hers all off so she went for a chin length do. She LOVED it! Jager and her Uncle Roscoe totally biced their heads, Brady was going to as well, but Millie only wanted his " a little short". He's going to hold off until hers is gone.
Lilly and Miss Millie
Roscoe, Jager, Millie, Lilly, Cyndell, Brady
Our friends from Australia sent this doll to Millie. It is so CUTE! The hair totally comes off, it has a scarf, and then it has a short style for when it grows back. Millie hasn't named it yet, but she is going to come to clinic with us every time Millie does. They both have cancer, so she needs to get her chemo too.
Millie cut every one's pony off to donate. She had a BLAST.
Me, Millie, Jen (she donated her time to come help with every one's cuts, we couldn't have done it without her), Lilly
I got up early (okay after 7) just to read the post. I hope millie liked my pix and I am so happy she liked the doll!
That is so awesome that your family did that!
Jager and Millies are being donated also. They are all packaged and ready to go. It was a night I will always remember. To see people come together for one person united as one, is very special . I was so proud of the courage that every single child and adult involved displayed and felt.
Thank you to Jen!! For being Willing to come out and help us to make this possible. Thank you to good friends also!!
I realized after I posted that I only wrote the girls...I was just trying to say they got the cute cuts, but it left Millie and Jager out.
Amanda!!! Your FAMILY IS INCREDIBLE! Especially those girls to cut off their long hair! What an AMAZING thing to do to show their support & love for Millie. Wow WOW WOWOOWOW!
what an awesome family! you are all so lucky to have eachother.
are you going to cut your hair too?
I did not last night, Millie wanted ours to look the same. We'll wait to see what she wants us to do when it all falls out.
WHat an amazing crew of supportive and loving people Millie has around her.
All of the kids are simply amazing to me. I love them all.
That is so awesome!! I'm so glad you have such awesome family support. Really cool that they donated the hair! Everyone looks awesome!
I'm sad I missed this!! Can't wait to see the new hair-dos in fun!! and Brady in his Saturday shirt...HAHAHA. See you soon.
Awesome! What a great idea, and what a great family.
WOW, this is awesome and it totally brought tears to my eyes!
What a great idea. Millie's lucky to have so many people supporting her!
This is awesome! If it made any difference to Millie, I would shave my head too.
Loved this post! What a great family you have:)
Oh, Amanda!!! I had no idea what was going on with your little Millie until I started reading the captions on you pics on Facebook today. I just spent the last little while updating myself on your blog. Your poor little sweetheart! What a year for you guys! I was so glad to read that her marrow showed no signs of cancer (following the protocol, like you said). There is a cute little boy who was in our ward when we lived in Iowa. They found out he had leukemia 2 years ago on Christmas Eve, not so different from you guys. He's doing well, though! I'll be praying for little Millie EVERY day! She's such a beautiful girl. Austin is darling, too. So glad to see he's getting so big, rolling around and everything.
This is such a cute thing to do! I don't know if you even remeber me. I was in your Sandy ward before you moved overseas. My mom, Vicki Jackman, told me of cute little Amelia's story. You are your family are in my thoughts!
Amazingly beautiful. Love the new cuts girls.
What a great party to hve for her. I love the pone her her smiling and holding her ponyail! What a great family you have.
What an awesome family!! Millie is LOVED so much and is in the most amazing family. That in itself will get you guys through this.
Nice post thanks!
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