Wednesday, 24 October 2007

A Day In The City

Millie and I have had such an interesting day. I did the same old things this morning like cleaning, but then we headed out to the Farmer's Market. It was so fun. First I came across TURKISH DELIGHT! I have wondered what it was ever since "The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe." It was a gummy treat with icing powder (powdered sugar). There were so many different flavors: lemon, pistachio, lime, rose, orange, and then all of those plus coconut. My least favorite was the rose! It tasted like well like what a rose would taste like. I loved the lemon one but I don't think I would follow a random lady just to get some. I also got lots of produce and cleaning supplies (a little random, but everything was so cheap). I found the perfect little black shoes for Millie's Halloween costume for only #5. Next we headed to the regular market and on the way I ran into several different street performers including a bagpiper, Native American dancers, and last but not least a toothless guitar player. Got to love the city! All of West Gate Market is decorated for Christmas. I guess since there is no Thanksgiving they start extra early. When we were getting the rest of our groceries there was a nutty lady throwing her food and yelling at everyone. I tried to avoid her, but she saw Millie and came running at me! I was terrified! She stop in front of me and said, "I know how it is to be a single parent, I was one a long time ago, let me help you". I decided since it calmed her down to think I was a single mom I didn't correct her and did my best to hide my ring. Oh what a day and it's not over yet...


Jeremy said...

Wow. Good post. Sounds like each day is a new adventure!

I totally releated to the old crazy lady running up to you-in fact, I think anyone who has served a mission probably could! Everyday you'd always run into at least one completely nutty person. Sometimes it was intimidating depending on how crazy they were, but mostly it just made for a good story later and made the day interesting.

Ashlie said...

Nice. I love the stories. Yours is probably one of my favorites to read because you do such fun things in such a fun place.

We've lived in Logan since I came here for college. We love it here. Oh, I guess we did live in SLC right after we got married for 3 months, but then came back to Logan to finish school, and now we've just stayed.

lindsay Roscoe said...

HILARIOUS!!I guess where ever we go the NUTS will follow. You do have that calmimg effect on people. I posted just for you.

Heidi said...

I am surprised you like the Turkish Delight, I think they are pretty gross! Hilarious old crazy lady!

Danalisa said...

This blog was hilarious! I spend one day without you and I miss all the good stuff. haha Great picture too!