Read On
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Painting Pretty
Read On
Acouple More From The Hospital
In the process of being at the hospital Millie's hair turned into the biggest rats nest I have ever seen. It took 2 days and a deep conditioning to get it completely out. I was afraid it would make her hair come out but we have recently found out that it shouldn't for the next month. I wasn't sure if it would right away, we heard a few different things at first.
The Child Life Specialists also provide different dolls, books, or ideas to help the kids wrap their head around what is going on. We read Millie a couple different books about other kids with cancer and at the end she said, "mom, I don't want my hair to fall out". I cry even thinking about it. After that night her persona changed completely. Before we were able to cheer her up, get her to smile, and giggle. Once she knew about her hair she was heart broken. It was her icing on the cake. Now that we have officially been home a week and we are trying our hardest to make life "normal" for her. Today she painted (pictures to come) and yesterday she played dress up for a minute.
Austin BoBoston
Austin had his 4 month check up yesterday and he is doing great. On his own growing chart he is a champ, compare him to a 4 month growing chart and he is 17% in height and 11% in weight. I didn't realize how small he still is, He seems so big to me.
I am grateful to have Austin in our family. He seems to be the only one that can put a BIG smile on Millie's face these days. She adores her brother.
Millie had her 1st appointment at the Oncology Clinic on his 4 month birthday so sadly this was the only picture I got of him on the actually day. The ones below are the next day.
Okay, I'll take the hat off...
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Christmas Miracles
Being home has been an interesting experience. It seems that we brought home a middle school girl and a rapidly growing 16 year old boy. Millie's mood swings have been intense to say the least. She'll scream at us for no reason not to talk to her, about her, to each other, and most importantly "DO NOT BE NICE TO ME"! It's amazing what the steroids are doing to my baby girl.
The 16 year old boy living in my daughters body wants to eat constantly! She had a chemo treatment on Monday and because they did a spinal tap and took bone morrow she had to be anesthetized. She was so hungry before her procedures. She just kept yelling at us that she had to eat NOW! Since she wouldn't stop talking about food I decided to try playing a waitress game with her. I took her order for what she wanted to eat when she woke up.
Here's the list:
- a bag of cheesy Cheetos
- an egg sandwich (call it egg salad and you'll get your head ripped off)
- a slice of cheese and peperoni pizza
- the round noodles, with red stuff on top (also known as spaghetti)
- cheese without anything else
- and a Slurpee.
The 1st thing she asked for when she came to was her Cheese Cheetos and Slurpee. Luckily the hospital was stocked with both! On our way to pick up Austin we got take-out from Big Apple Pizzeria. There we ordered the pizza and spaghetti, while my mom got the cheese and egg sandwich ready.
Not only will we go broke from medical expenses, but we are going to have a killer grocery bill.
Millie and Brady made a darling gingerbread house. They were really cute; when Brady was doing EXACTLY what Millie told him to do.
Millie's Christmas List:
- Snuggie
- Horsie that has sparkly hair
- Sparkly Barbie
- Water balloons
I love that at South Towne Center they don't make you buy their pictures, but the Santa only looks at their camera. This was the best I could get.
Millie didn't really enjoy Christmas it was sad. I think the best part of her day was when Jager came over to visit. Austin on the other hand LOVED his new toy. He was so cute. He immediately started spinning the sides and hitting the mobile.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
The Battle with Leukemia Begins
Although Millie didn't love being in the hospital, she did love the pancakes, bacon, and chocolate milk could be delivered to her room.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Our Little Blessing
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Happy Turkey Day
At 3 months I haven't heard him talk too much (and by talk I mean make cute baby noises), but both my mom and sister say he talks his head off to them. The 1st time I saw him smile for real was on Nov 20. The 1st time I head him goo was Nov 21. He only does it ever now and then, but I can see in his blue, slate eyes that he is trying his hardest to get them out. Austin is constantly fidgeting when he's awake, I'm afraid he is going to be a busy bee once he starts getting around. He still keeps me up a bit at night. He just isn't a very sound sleeper so even if he is asleep he keeps me awake.
We are LOVING our little man and couldn't be prouder of Millie. She is doing great with him. Millie is taking dance again this year and she's doing great. We just had parent's week and it was so fun to watch her. Her teacher says she is extra good at her ballet positions.
Just Hanging Out
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Happy Halloween
Princess Belle
Millie wore this costume when she was the baby pea. Austin had it on for all of 5 seconds; just long enough to get a picture and then back to bed. He was cute though.
I can't believe he is 2 months old and TODAY was his due date. We are so blessed that he is doing so incredibly well. What a trooper.