Christmas night we made a last minute decision to drive up to the Flamm's cabin at Brighton Ski Resort. It wasn't the brightest thing we have ever done considering that there was a blizzard outside. Lucky we care-a-vanned up with Cody and Michele. We were about 5 minutes away from the resort and our car got completely stuck. We just kept spinning out. Both Brady and I were pretty freaked out, but we were about to side slide in the Solitude Ski Resort parking lot where we left our car for the night. We pack in the other car and still barely made it up. The snow was sooooo deep since the lot hadn't been plowed. It was an interesting hike up to the cabin from the car as well. Normally we have a snowmobile come pick us up, but the snow was too deep and the runs hadn't been groomed yet. With all our gear and MILLIE we finally made it to the cabin. although it was a sketchy night we were all grateful we had headed up the night before since the canyon was closed for part of the day and we had the resort basically to ourselves. It was an awesome was to end Christmas. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful oasis in the mountains.
Ms. Millie owning everyone in Candyland
Our little Snow Bunny
(Seiya is an exchange student from Japan and Millie LOVES him)
Hannah Abbie Millie
(Hannah did a great job skiing this year and Abbie has mastered the mountain)
The Boys
Cody, Andy, Brady, Bryan, Artyome
(Artyome is Bryan's friend from Russia. He is here visiting for a few months)
Baby Linlcon