Thursday, 24 July 2008
Blinding Light
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Ya, that's one nice car!
Me at Christ Church Dining Hall
Yesterday Brady watched Millie and Elisa and I went to London for a bike tour and to see Adele Preform. The bike tour was brilliant! I will never tour by foot through London again like the others suckers.
The Adele Concert was at the Sumerset House and it was awesome. Adele is only 19 and she is so talented! She stopped in the middle of one of her songs and explained that she didn't like the guy anymore and changed the end of the song. She really was so cute.
Thanks Elisa for taking me to the concert! It really was so sweet of you. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Thank you so much for coming to visit. Millie is already asking when you are going to come back.
Highlites of Elisa being here:
- Brady yelling at her for not knowing the rules of Uno
- Laughing
- Me winning Uno every time we played
- Millie sticking her hand in a urinal and licking her fingers
- Laughing
- Elisa telling us the story of a kid barfing on the bus on the way back from Cambridge
- Watching Millie play with Elisa; they were so cute together
- Lots of inside jokes
- Meeting Silly people (when Elisa is around everybody wants to talk to you!)
- London
- Having one of my dearest friend in the world coming to visit
- And of Course Laughing
Saturday, 12 July 2008
No Good
Monday, 7 July 2008
Blogger is acting up on me and it could be because I am posting WAY too many pictures! We had such a great time in Wales! It was a really easy going vacation, well sort of...
We did drive A LOT and when we went on our boat trip we misunderstood the road sign and we came very close to missing our boat. Luckily I stopped an incredibly nice family that drove us to the shore. Thank you to the kindness of strangers, it would have been a horrid day since we were miles away from our car and still miles from the boat. Brady had run ahead of Millie and I and I had NO idea where I was. Not Good.
Cardiff Castle (look close, it was pouring!)
We went to the coolest place called Folly Farm. It was a mix between a wheeler farm, the zoo, a carnival, and and a fantastic park. It was super cheap! This is not the best picture, but it's the only one we took; too bad.
The shed next to our cottage
Wales was beautiful!
We went to the most amazing burial chamber. It was built during the Neolithic Age.
Millie looking for pirate ships. she's a goof ball.
Her new favorite song to sing is, "if you have a frowny face change it for a SMILE". This is her practicing her frown.
Another incredible view.
I couldn't resist posting this picture of Brady being a fabulous dad..Millie had to go potty and there were no bathrooms in sight.